Active pursuit of health and well being

The Annapolis West Health Foundation serves a large area of Annapolis County and our health services and wellness programs are available to people living in over 35 communities.

Vibrant and empowered communities start with vigorous, engaged and healthy residents. The AWHF plays a crucial role in facilitating initiatives that address community-specific health needs and strengthen social connections. We support active living programs and services that address problems specific to our rural setting and we encourage creative, locally-based solutions for sustainable community wellness.


The Foundation is based in the Town of Annapolis Royal but the outreach programs and initiatives that it funds, impact people and communities throughout western Annapolis County. This covers a region from along the Annapolis/Digby county line to the northeast all the way to Bridgetown, Tupperville and West Dalhousie. It also also extends along Bay of Fundy from Victoria Beach to Hampton, and south, past Milford and Kejimikujik National Park to Maitland Bridge.