In 1994, the Foundation funded a survey asking people to give us feedback on what they considered the most important health-related needs in their community. The number one issue was transportation to medical appointments in health facilities in Kentville and Halifax. In the spring of 1995, we purchased a van and started a transportation service.
Since that time, thanks to community partnerships, our service has expanded. One of our key partners in this program is the Trans County Transportation Society (TCTS) in Bridgetown.
These collaborations allow us to provide reliable affordable transportation to medical appointments for people who live within the catchment area of the Annapolis Community Health Centre all the way to the Aylesford area. In addition to Kentville and Halifax, the Foundation subsidizes patient travel to other medical appointments throughout the Valley.
The Van Transportation Program provides dependable, safe, accessible transportation for seniors, persons with disabilities, and many others who have no other way to get to crucial medical appointments. With your support we can continue to provide this important service.