PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Buchholz cannot be contacted at the Annapolis West Health Foundation. If you are a patient, please contact Annapolis Family Practice Associates at 902-532-1670.
Dr. Ken Buchholz is a rural Family and Emergency Physician practicing in Annapolis Royal. He is a busy man. He is active in the field of pre-hospital healthcare delivery and is a founder of the international community paramedicine movement, serving to integrate EMS into primary care through development of collaborative primary care teams.
In 2012, Ken joined MediBus, a provider of innovative mobile clinics that facilitates accessibility to primary health care services, utilizing virtual consultation technology to support physicians, nurse practitioners and paramedics in rural and remote areas of the province. It’s safe to say, keeping people well and healthy is a big part of his life.
2012 was also the year that Ken joined the Fundy YMCA. With the 2010 shutdown of the Lifeplex Wellness Centre in Cornwallis, a vital player in the health and wellness of Annapolis West and surrounding communities was suddenly gone. Ken was approached to lead a capital fundraising initiative to re-develop the former Lifeplex and give it new life under the YMCA banner. In 2012 that dream became a reality.
“As a physician, I see the benefits of healthy lifestyle. Healthy body… healthy mind…. lower blood pressure… lower cholesterol… less anxiety and depression… less obesity… less cardiovascular complications,” he explains. “Whether people are healthy or not, is determined by their circumstances and environment. These factors, such as where we live, the state of our environment, genetics, our income and education level, and our relationships with friends and family and communities all have considerable impacts on health, whereas the more commonly considered factors such as access and use of health care services often have less impact on health and longevity”, he continues.
Ken practices what he preaches. Already following an active lifestyle, he joined the YMCA to pursue his love of taekwondo. “I had heard about a fledgling club at the new Y. I joined, and now help teach classes twice a week, and last year achieved my 2nd Dan in taekwondo at age 60.”
His advice for a healthy active life – “Put down your phone, step back from the computer, and put on your sneakers! Or go to the YMCA, where there are programs for every level of fitness enthusiast, from weekend warrior to post-operative recovery. Supervised weight training, fitness boot camps, walking/running track, swimming and aquatic fitness programs… even recreational martial arts. For those with special challenges, there are specialized water fitness classes, and walkers for those needing some extra help. And wellness classes, self-help groups, first aid classes and healthy eating gatherings… There is something for everyone at every age at the YMCA.”