Pooling their resources
06 June,2017
AWHF donates $30,000 to support the Fundy YMCA WaterArt Programs

Pictured left to right: Past AWHF Partnership Chair Arlene Redmond, Partnership Committee member Ross Stanley, Sharon MacAlpine, Centre Manager, Fundy YMCA. Photo by Karen Smith
June 6, 2017 – Annapolis Royal NS: The Annapolis West Health Foundation (AWHF) dove into fitness in a big way at its Annual General Meeting on May 23, with a donation of $30,000 to support the Fundy YMCA’s WaterArt fitness programs. Past AWHF Partnership Chair Arlene Redmond and Partnership Committee member Ross Stanley presented the cheque to Sharon MacAlpine, Centre Manager, Fundy YMCA.
WaterArt Fitness is designed to improve physical and cardiovascular fitness, relieve pain, speed recovery following joint surgery and help remediate common movement disorders. The WaterArt programs encompass five different levels: Aqua Fit, Arthritis, Deep (high intensity workouts), and Rehabilitation. Only the Deep water classes require swimming skills.
“Last year over 3800 hundred participants attended WaterART classes at the Fundy YMCA,” said Sharon MacAlpine, Centre Manager, Fundy YMCA. Ms. MacAlpine went on to quote a WaterArt participant Melody Hamilton, who commented, “For 27 years I took antidepressants, now all I take is three doses of YMCA WaterART classes per week. Exercise with laughter is the BEST medicine!”
“When the Partnership Committee was considering the Fundy YMCA proposal for funds Sharon and her staff from the YMCA came up with a number of very good options and the first of these was WaterArt,” explained Arlene Redmond “Having been a member of the Fundy YMCA and having seen all the Water Art Programs in progress, I had first-hand knowledge of their benefit. I never believed that I could sweat in the pool but I did,” she laughed. “I had also heard many positive comments from several members of other Water Art Programs as to how helpful and beneficial the programs were. So, for me, taking the proposal to the AWHF Board was a sincere pleasure.”
For more information on the programs visit fundyymca.com/waterart, call the Fundy YMCA at: 902-638-9622, or pick up the brochure at the Fundy Y – 1043 Hwy. 1, Cornwallis, NS.